Friday, September 19, 2008

The Bib

This is OOH-LA-LA's famous Bib. It is constructed of very durable cotton cloth and a fantastic little contraption we call a bibster. The bibster itself is a ribbon with a clasp at each of the ends. It works by attaching one end to one side of the cloth, go around childs neck and attach to the other end of the cloth. The clasp is great, no more velcro which kids pull right off. The cloth is big enough to add full coverage yet small enough as not to get in the way. The bibster on its own can be throuwn into a purse and used with anything from a dish towell to a napkin. It is fatastic for grandma's to have hanging around.

A Bib set which includes 3 bib cloths and 1 bibster is $25.00
A Bibster sold alone is $7.00

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